How to Prepare for Divorce

This video features Chaim Steinberger, a Family Law attorney based in New York.

Attorney Chaim Steinberger | 888-981-0039 | Schedule Your Consult Today

If you feel like your marriage is increasingly on the rocks, it helps to know how to prepare for divorce.

Chaim Steinberger is a family law attorney with Chaim Steinberger, P.C, based in New York. In this video, he outlines the four crucial steps to take before a divorce proceeding begins. This can give you the best chance of a successful outcome. He says that if you’ve already been served divorce papers, contact an attorney immediately.

To learn more, contact him directly by calling 888-981-0039 or by submitting a contact form on this page.

How to Prepare for Divorce in 4 Steps

If you have the inkling that divorce could be on the horizon, there are four important steps to take before a divorce.

1. If there’s any chance of domestic violence, take steps to stay safe.

Domestic violence, a.k.a. Intimate partner violence, can take the form of partner control and coercion. If you feel restricted, cut off from family and friends, you could be the victim of intimate partner violence. Often the most vulnerable moment for victims is when they announce plans to leave the relationship or file for divorce.

2. Become intelligent and knowledgeable about the family finances.

This means paying more attention to you and your partner’s financial details: monthly statements, knowing where bank accounts are, knowing how much your partner earns, and an approximate knowledge of the major assets. You need to start preparing yourself financially for what life after divorce will look like. If possible, make copies of the statements and have the account numbers ready.

3. Create a paper trail.

If you take the children to the doctor, see if the doctor can make a note that you’re the one who takes them. Garner all the documentation you can to argue your side of the story. This includes text messages, emails, social media posts, etc.

Keep in mind that your partner is likely doing the same thing. Be very cautious about every text and email you send. It could be read aloud in court during your divorce proceedings. Remember the BIFF method when communicating with your (ex) spouse: keep things Brief, Informative, Firm, and Friendly.

When it comes to infidelity, New York family law courts do not consider that a factor when making decisions related to divorce, alimony, and child custody.

4. Get a great lawyer.

A superior lawyer will teach you everything you need to feel empower yourself to make the right decisions moving forward. Instead of telling you what to do, your lawyer should clearly explain each option to you and potentially make recommendations. Get a lawyer who has a sophisticated understanding of the best tactics to use in a divorce proceeding. The lawyer and client need to understand each other. The lawyer needs a full understanding of the client’s situation, and the client needs to know how the law applies to them.

A good divorce attorney has a mix of book smarts and people smarts. They can use the facts of the case and persuasive storytelling skills to advocate for the best possible solution to their client’s situation.

Do what you can to make divorce easier on the kids.

You always want to put the children first and protect them from your marital disputes. Even if your marriage isn’t in a great place, you need to give your kids permission to love the other parent. Avoid showing any negativity to your spouse in front of your kids. Reassure your kids that the divorce is not their fault, and that both parents love them very much.

To learn more, contact Chaim Steinberger directly by calling 888-981-0039 or by submitting a contact form on this page.

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